Our Project

About the study

We are studying what clinical and genetic factors increases a person’s chances of developing serious cutaneous adverse drug reactions (SCARs). We developed standardized methods for identifying individuals who may have had a SCAR episode from electronic health records (EHRs) using advanced informatics technology. We aim to identify which risk factors increases a person’s chances of developing SCAR, and to study the possible effects of SCAR on the health, quality of life, and treatment. We hope to better understand how to promote safe drug prescribing practices to minimize such severe reactions from occurring and to improve care of patients with SCAR.

This work is supported by National Institute of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 1R01AI150295-01A1

Specific Aims

  1. To develop and disseminate informatics methods to identify and validate a SCAR patient cohort using longitudinal EHR data.
  2. To identify risk factors for, and sequelae of, antibiotic-associated SCARs.
  3. To identify candidate HLA and genetic associations from patients with validated antibiotic-associated SCARs.

Inclusion Criteria for participation

  • Adult patients (age 18 and older)
  • Possible or validated SCAR case
  • The ability to provide informed consent
  • The ability to comprehend and speak English or access professional translation services

Participation Tasks

  • Short screening phone call
  • Provide consent
  • Complete one or more short surveys about your health and quality of life since your reaction
  • Provide a saliva sample for genetic analysis
  • If you have experienced drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS), you may be asked to participate in a 30-minute interview over Zoom

Interested in participating?

Take our survey to enroll in the study: